Weight gain in the work place, Get away from that computer Desk!

If you have an office job where you sit at a desk or in front of a computer all day chances are you have gained a little bit of extra weight. Whether its significant or minimal weight desk-fatgain it’s still not healthy for you.  Recent research has shown that those with sedentary desk jobs are reporting an increase in weight gain.

We all know that dieting in an office environment is not an easy task to take on.  The office lunchroom is sure to be filled with left over’s from the latest celebrations, like a co-workers birthday or a holiday around the office. Depending on what kind of office you work for clients or those you work with in your field may bring in goodies for the whole office, often sabotaging your dieting plans.

I know firsthand just how these goodies can affect weight gain in the whole office. I worked as a front office billing and reception for a local doctor’s office for years before coming self-employed. Holidays were the worst, clients would bring the doctor and the staff goodies and even offices that worked with our office would send gifts. So I can sympathize with you if you’re in the office setting and just how hard it is to diet.

One way to help yourself stay on track is to bring in your own healthy snacks as well as your own lunch. We used to have pharmaceutical reps bring us lunch in and while they smell good they were certain to go to the hips or gut. Working in front of a computer all day means using more brain power than physical power, which for most I know causes you to be exhausted by the end of the day. Not because your body is tired but because you are mentally drained and just need a brain rest.

More and more employers are realizing the need for a healthy and happy office. They realize that happy and healthy employees result in better work environment as well as better work output. A lot of medical and hospitals are requiring their employees to diet if they are overweight and even providing onsite gyms for their employees or providing funding for gym memberships.

If you have a job where you sit in front of a computer daily, take every opportunity to get up and walk around. Whether it be an email you will be sending to another office employee or a memo or paper that needs to be seen by another inter office employee. This will give your body a chance to move and moving whether it be during work or lunch hours or after work is a great thing. Another neat idea is to eat lunch and then go for a brisk walk on your lunch hour. Not only will it help your waistline, but also your brain and mood for when you go back to finish your work at the computer.

I myself am not exempt from this plague, I have had a struggle with it and I am actively working on changing it. Even if that means only good foods here in the office and three walks a day, I am fighting the battle along with the rest of you computer workers.

Article by Heather Deprey
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Tagged with: computer Desk, Weight gain, work place
Posted in Geek Stuff
One comment on Weight gain in the work place, Get away from that computer Desk!
  1. Ross Deprey says:

    Im getting fat just reading this lol.. what do you guys think about that? just kidding I go to the gym allot so i can site in front of my desk and eat cupcakes

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