The Facts and Fictions of the Cloud

Cloud computing has been a popular topic that has been buzzed about almost to the point of ad nauseam. Interestingly, there are still lots of folks that hear the term in casual conversations with friends and associates, and even use it themselves while having misconceptions about what the term actually means. In recent surveys, respondents have opined that cloud computing has to do with everything from weather, to toilet paper.

Clearly, “cloud computing” is a tech related term that has made its way into the public domain. Typically, when a technical term is in the process of reaching critical mass, there are lots of people who are much more familiar with the term, than the associated definition thereof.

False Perceptions about Cloud Computing Services

Of the many misconceptions that people have about cloud computing, some are really kind of humorous. Some respondents believe that severe local weather can adversely affect cloud computing. Others believe that the cloud is a specific physical location. Another relatively common perception is that cloud computing is a fad that will not be around very long.

This belief may be one of the reasons that some people resist taking the time to actually find out what the term actually means. It is a common belief of over 50% of Americans that they have never used cloud computing services. The truth is that over 90% of them do use cloud based services such as online banking, online shopping, photo and file sharing sites and social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. ,

True Perceptions

Another false perception is the belief that cloud computing is completely safe from cyber attacks. The surveys do indicate, however, that public knowledge and acceptance of cloud computing is increasing. Even those who are not engaged enough to get the details on cloud computing, are gradually picking up on some of the true facts about it from their daily conversations with peers.

Many of the respondents that clearly indicated they don’t fully understand what cloud computing is, correctly acknowledged that cloud computing is growing and that it is creating lots of IT jobs. They also understood that the cloud is good for the economy. The encouraging thing about these surveys is that they indicate that a growing number of people are learning in greater detail what cloud computing really is.

Shared Data Centers and Nirvana

Cloud computing continues to revolutionize the way computing is done even if the general masses are not yet able to pass a test about what it is. The ability to bypass in-house servers and shared storage data facilities while reducing costs is very appealing to savvy business owners.

Additionally, cloud computing greatly reduces or eliminates the need for an expensive  in-house technical team. Since all of the apps that are needed can be accessed from the cloud, cloud computing is actually changing the way business things about the software. Getting set up with new apps via the cloud can happen in a fraction of the time that installation of traditional software requires. Additionally, cloud based apps result in more scalability, security and reliability.

While the masses are still trying to separate out the fact from fiction about cloud computing, business computing is being revolutionized by it.

How do you use the cloud in your business? Let us know.

About the Author:

Jared Jacobs has professional and personal interests in just about everything related to technology. As an employee of Dell, he has to stay up to date on the latest innovations in large enterprise solutions and consumer electronics buying trends. Personally, he loves making additions to his media rooms and experimenting with surround sound equipment. He’s also a big Rockets and Texans fan.

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Tagged with: Cloud, Facts
Posted in Geek Stuff

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