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Weight gain in the work place, Get away from that computer Desk!

If you have an office job where you sit at a desk or in front of a computer all day chances are you have gained a little bit of extra weight. Whether its significant or minimal weight desk-fatgain it’s still not healthy for you.  Recent research has shown that those with sedentary desk jobs are reporting an increase in weight gain.

Tagged with: computer Desk, Weight gain, work place
Posted in Geek Stuff

Why pets in the workplace can help with your computer skills and reduce stress!

Working from home for our online computer repair company I have had the luxury with being with my two dogs throughout the day vs. leaving them all day while I am out at pc-laptop-dogwork. Throughout the day they make sure to come over and remind me; hey mom we need a potty break or a scratch and hug break. These frequent breaks have helped to relieve some of the daily stressors of online computer repair and owning our own business, not just for me but for my husband as well.

Tagged with: computer, pets, skills, work place
Posted in Geek Stuff

Some of our Happy Customers we have provided service for...