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How Safe Is Your Credit Card Purchase At Your Favorite Retailer?

In seems that no matter where you look in the news, we are seeing yet another retail store having private data scraped from their systems. This problem is becoming more CreditCard-retail storeand more of a concern as would be thieves try to make some easy money instead of making an honest living. It all started out with Target right around the busy holiday shopping period.

Tagged with: Credit Card, purchase, Retailer?, safe
Posted in Security

When The Cold Weather Sets In, Stay Home And Be Safe

The cold weather is here to stay and it can be dangerous to travel. Here are five good reasons to stay home and use your computer instead of braving the freezing cold-weathertemperatures!


  1. Car Problems:  Your car might run fine in the cold but a simple battery problem can keep you from starting your car! Sure, you can get a jump from a friend but what if it starts snowing and you are out in the middle of nowhere? You will have a really hard time getting rescued and this can lead to a life-threatening situation.
Tagged with: Cold Weather, safe, Stay Home
Posted in Geek Stuff

Yes,Even Macs Can Get Virus Infections! Mac Users Are Not Always Safe

Most people believe that if they own a Mac that they will not get a virus. In fact, many folks are buying Macs for that very reason. In the last year or so, I have seen many die-hard flashback-trojan-mac-virusPC users turn to the Mac format.

Tagged with: Infections, Macs, safe, virus
Posted in Apple

Is Remote Computer Repair Safe?

Over the last couple of years, thanks to increasing broadband connections and cost cutting, we have seen a popular rise in remote computer repair. But just how safe is remote computer repair and should you allow a stranger to remote control you PC with access to your personal files?

Tagged with: business, IT, remote computer repair, safe
Posted in Repairing Your Computer

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