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Computer Will Not Start, When Is It Time To Say Goodbye?

It happens to all of us at some point. You turn on your trusty computer that has not failed you in the past 4 years and all you see is a black or maybe blue pc will not startscreen. In some cases the screen might even be white. In yet other cases, you might not see any activity at all. Your first response is a sense of severe frustration or even a slight sense of panic. This can be especially true if you rely on your system for your job. The only comforting thought is that you have all your information backed up on an external drive. You did back up your system, didn’t you?

Tagged with: computer, start
Posted in Hardware

How To Speed Up A Slow Running Computer!

One of the most common problems that a computer user will run into is a computer that is running slower then it is intended to do. There are many factorsspeed up your computer that have to be considered and even with the introduction of Windows 8, this is still a very common problem. Sure, most of us clean out the browser and delete cookies but is this all enough? Absolutely not! There are many other steps that must be completed to ensure a fully cleaned out system.

Tagged with: computer, fast, running, speed
Posted in Maintaing Your Computer

What Is The Best Online Computer Repair Company? In The USA ?

Computer Geeks Online has been doing remote repairs on the Internet for years. In face, we were one of the first and original companies to offer online support and the first to Computer geeks online remote computer repair is right here int he USAoffer flat rate pricing. When online computer repair was first introduced, most companies were charging an hourly rate that could get extremely expensive if a job took more then hour to do.


Tagged with: computer, online, remote, repair
Posted in Computer Repair

My Computer Is Slow, What Could Be The Problem? Please Speed It Up!

One of the biggest complaints we get from customers is that their computer is slow. There are many reasons for this and usually it is not something you can diagnose yourself. why-is-my-PC-running-slowThe truth is, many issues related to speed are often caused by your Internet speed. Often time’s folks will go out and buy a brand new machine and notice that the new machine is just as slow as the old one.

Tagged with: computer, Problem?, slow, speed
Posted in Computer Repair

Tips On What To Do When You First Boot Up Your Computer

If you are like most people, when you turn on your computer that initial wait time can sometimes seem like an eternity even if it is less then a minute. As soon as the systemcomputer-bootup-slow comes on, you immediately want to dive in and start clicking away trying to get your work done. Come on, you know who you are. Well I am here to tell you that any computer, no matter how fast or slow, needs time to initialize before you start overwhelming it with requests.

Tagged with: Boot Up, computer, First
Posted in Geek Stuff

How to Download iCloud on Your Microsoft Windows Computer

Today, there are millions of I Phone users out there. Next to Android, it is the most popular phone that is use today. The Apple I Phone has a great built in feature called I Cloud. This simple yet powerful software allows you to back up and sync all the information that is located on your phone. In addition, it allows you to share between devices, including your PC.

Tagged with: computer, Download, iCloud, windows
Posted in Cloud Storage

My Computer Has a Virus and It Will Not Boot Up, Help!

In the majority of cases, a virus infection can usually be removed by either your on board anti-virus software or by calling a professional technician. Virus scanners work in no-bootaccordance with the software definitions that have been placed in the program by the anti-virus vender. Those definitions help to search for files that might be compromised by a virus attack.


Tagged with: Boot Up, computer, My, Not
Posted in Computer Repair

Regular Computer Maintenance Will Keep Your System Running Smooth

Your computer is similar to your car. It needs maintenance at certain intervals to keep it humming along. Remember, your car needs it’s oil changed about every 5,000 miles computer-repair-helpand your transmission should be flushed about every 30,000 or else you run the risk of a costly mechanical breakdown.


About every 100,000 most cars require the spark plugs to be changed. If you own a car with a timing belt, it needs to be changed about every 60,000 miles. Skipping any of the above maintenance could leave you stranded on the side of the road.

Tagged with: computer, Maintenance, Smooth
Posted in Computer Repair

Choosing The Best Monitor For Your Computer, Size Matters!

What is the one thing all computers have in common? They all require a monitor to view the contents of what you are attempting to display. If you own a laptop or a tablet, computer-monitorthere is very little you can do as far as an upgrade goes. If you own a desktop computer, you can upgrade till your hearts content.

Tagged with: Best, Choosing, computer, monitor
Posted in Hardware

Woman tries to take a break from her computer, but things don’t work out so well for her.

Her Boss is so worried about the phones he tells everyone to get back to the phones! What would you do in a situation like this? It all goes to show that companies do not care about employees, only the bottom line. In a situation where somebody is hurt, their well-being should be first and the job second. Not a very good move by the boss at all. We all hope that lady was OK after tripping like that.

Tagged with: break, computer, Woman
Posted in Geek Fun

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