PC or Mac, Which is the Best to Own?

Hi everybody, today we are going to talk about what platform is best to buy a PC or Mac. We have seen a lot of people switching their PC machines to a Mac over the past couple of years. Some of our customers have been happy with the switch and others have not. Today I am going to talk about some of the differences so you can decide which might be right for you.

The Apple Company was actually founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne. The very first machine off the assembly line was called the Apple 1. In 1984, the company released the first Macintosh.  The company has a rich history, similar to Microsoft but the products are in no way similar.

For most of time, the PC has enjoyed the bulk of the popularity and rightly so. Almost every program, game and security software will work on a PC computer. If you want to buy a game or use a utility, you can bet that it will run on your Windows system. There are almost an unlimited number of programs that you can buy for your PC computer. Knowing this, one of the biggest advantages of a PC over a Mac is compatibility. Many of your favorite games and programs do not have available versions to work on a Mac machine. If you want a computer that will run almost anything, the PC will win that battle.

If you are a graphic artist and the primary work you do on your machine is related to creating and refining graphics, the Mac will have the advantage. The Mac will provide excellent service when rendering large graphic files without freezing or stuttering. The PC, on the other hand, would need a large video card and a fast processor in order to keep up with the processing of large graphic files and movies, especially when you are editing them. For the graphics designer, I would definitely recommend the Mac.

The next topic we are going to discuss is security. The Windows operating system has been given a bad rap because of the security flaws and the frequent virus infections that seem to invade it. If you talk to a Mac user, he will tell you they are immune. There is some truth to that but not for the reasons you might think. For years, the PC has been the dominant player in the computer industry while the Mac trailed far behind. The simple fact that there were so many PC users is the primary reason that the bad guys targeted their operating system. They essentially were getting more bang for their buck. It has not been until recently that we have been seeing Malware targeted towards the Mac platform. This is primarily happening because they are gaining in popularity. Once the Malware writers see an opportunity to make money, they will surely find a way to do it. Mac users, you are not completely immune anymore. The bad guys have you in their sights now too. In this race, the Mac still has the lead but I don’t think that lead will last.

One of the biggest reasons many people stayed away from Macintosh is the cost.  Many users did not want to shell out the high dollars for a Mac machine. They are well made and have great graphics but they are expensive. In today’s economy a quality PC is much more affordable. The PC wins the cost category.

What about ease of use? In this category, I think the Mac might have the advantage. Windows XP was quite easy to learn and use but Vista and Windows 7 made getting to many of the settings more confusing for most people. Windows 8 appears to be even more complicated and less user friendly. In the ease of use race, I see the Mac as winning.

As you can see by all the arguments, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to each platform. All in all for the average user who wants to good compatibility and performance I would recommend the good old-fashioned PC. If you are a graphic artist who needs exceptional graphics and superb graphic performance, get yourself a Mac.


Author:  Joe Zelenak, Staff Writer


Tagged with: apple, Mac, mackintosh, PC, windows
Posted in Which Should I buy"?
One comment on PC or Mac, Which is the Best to Own?
  1. computergeeks says:

    I would say own both! a mac and a pc..

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