In a first of a kind Malware threat, cyber bullies are now infecting computers through private Facebook messaging. In previous exploit attempts on Facebook, users would click on a link that they thought came from somebody they knew and if the link was infected the Malware would enter their computer. Often times this Malware would attempt to gain access to personal information or even important bank account passwords.
This infection comes to the victim in a whole different way. It is actually spread by means of instant messaging through Facebook. Instant messaging is a direct means of communicating with your friends without anybody else seeing the conversation. Until now, it was always thought to be a safe means of communicating. That thought is now changed.
Here is how the exploit works. When opening Facebook, the user will get a notification that a friend has sent him an IM. As the user, you click on the link to open your conversation and you see text in the box that was sent to you. The text will usually say something like “LOL”. Included with the text, you will see a file that is waiting to be downloaded.
Most folks will think that their friend in all likelihood has sent a joke or something funny and then will proceed to download the file. If the file is downloaded and it comes from the infected source the user will be for an unpleasant surprise. The virus is intended to get important credentials from the infected computer.
Once the file is downloaded, it will usually be named something like IMGxxx.jar. To the user, it looks like an image file but actually it is a .jar executable. Once you unzip and run the file all the damage happens. Once infected, the Malware will be sent to all your friends as well. You can see why this is spreading so fast.
The main way to prevent this Malware from spreading is not to download and run the file. If you get such a file in your IM, be sure to alert the sender, as their Facebook account was most likely compromised. In a case such as this, it is best for all involved to change your Facebook password and have your computer professionally cleaned to ensure it is safe to use.
The best way to safe is to be sure your anti-virus software is working properly and that you are prudent where you click while you are on the Internet. It is also extremely important to get your system professionally cleaned at least twice a year to be sure it is safe. Preventive maintenance can often times help prevent things like virus infections and exploits.
Posted by, Ross A Deprey