Making a Statement How to Wow Customers with Web Design

Web design continues to evolve both as an art form and as a functional necessity. It has gotten simpler in appearance, but far more complex to implement across multiple websitesplatforms from tablets to smartphones as well as desktops. To make sure a visitor can read and navigate a website no matter what device they are on, web designers have gotten quite innovative with their web designs.

Splash pages with a single video as a home page not only add instant dynamic interest, but show well on smartphones. Font choices tend to be bolder, while colors become muted. It’s an interesting cross between understated artistry with a dramatic technological flair that keeps your customers engaged with the latest thing flying across their screen.

Videos Engage Viewers
Customers like embedded videos, but are really wowed by an entire background created from a video. These large back splashes capture attention and make your website come alive. You can even hide the navigation by using side-out menus to give your viewers the best possible interactive experience with the video message. Even if you don’t use the video as a back screen, having multimedia content on your website is one way to provide content in multiple formats for your audience to enjoy.

Keep Things Simple
Simple color choices and understated web layouts are used to keep from distracting customers with too many flashy choices. The end result is a 2-D canvas of text that might be more descriptive by the choice of font used, not by the color scheme or layout. This works well to keep the entire look uncluttered and minimalist and appeals to a generation that grew up on the understated elegance of Apple products.

Less Clicking, More Scrolling
Imagine you are on a mobile phone looking at your favorite website. If you have to click a button or a link to move somewhere, it can be a tricky proposition. Buttons have to be sized big enough to hit with your thumb, but not so large they take up the entire screen. Links embedded in other content can be a hazard to tap just right. Web designers who realize that more and more people are visiting sites from mobile phones are making them an endless scrolling party. You can still get the feel of a multiple web page site, if you are on a desktop or a smartphone. This makes it easy to whiz through the content no matter what platform you are on.


If you feel it’s time to up your web design, you can look into custom website development from Logo Design Pros. They’re great at building sites to fit your needs and customizing a site to help fit the needs of your target audience as well.

Information was used from this site in this post

Posted By, Ross Deprey Owner of 

you can link to this but dont copy




Tagged with: Customers, Web Design, with
Posted in Websites
2 comments on Making a Statement How to Wow Customers with Web Design
  1. Anna Baron says:

    One thing to keep in mind when considering a new web site or web site redesign is to make sure you’re getting a responsive web site. The number of visitors from tablets and smartphones is on the rise. If your web site is not viewable on tablets and smartphones you may be losing leads and sales!

  2. Ross Deprey says:

    Yes Anna your 100% right on.. Im the owner of this website Computer Geeks and we had it all in Dreamweaver about 8 months ago for the last 8 years.. Now its in word press and the traffic seemed to jump a few months after that.. thanks for the feed back! responsive themes are the way to go!

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