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Though it is a time consuming thing and most people do not want to do it, computer maintenance is a must. Without it you are decreasing the life of your computer. Taking the time now and putting in routine maintenance time with your computer will save you heartache and money down the road. Most computer maintenance can be setup to run automatically. Depending on what you use your computer for and how much you use it, will define how much maintenance it will need. The following is a list of maintenance steps you can perform to keep your computer running at its best.


Computer maintenance step one: Have Windows updated regularly

This is one that can be setup to run by itself. You can have it check for updates daily so that you don’t have compatibility issues or error messages that pop up continually. It also provides you with the latest in security measures so having it check for updates daily are worth it.


Step two: Making sure you have total security

If your computer has virus protection software, good for you! If it doesn’t then you need to get some right away! If you do have virus protection software then make sure it is set up to scan your system and check for updates daily.


Step three: Organize your files

This is also a step you can setup to run on its own. It is a simple disk defragmenter and it can help you when it comes to keeping space open on your computer. While this seems to be the easiest form of computer maintenance, if not done, your computer will run slow and things will become very disorganized which can cause you, the user, much frustration. It is like this, when you use a bookshelf, you don’t put books on both sides of the shelf you are using. You start on one side and keep stacking until the books reach the other side. This is much the same way your files should be. Only they leave gaps in the middle that the defragmenter has to fix. It will gently push all of the books to one side of the shelf so you have more space for new books. Get it?


With simple computer maintenance you can add years of life to your computer and help it run at its optimal speed and function at its best. When you ignore routine maintenance you are hurting not only the computer, but yourself as well. When you use your computer as much as you do, it needs a little TLC from you to run right. Give it some and it will return the favor over and over again. Ignore it and it will give you nothing but problems for its entire life. The choice is simple. Spend some time doing the routine maintenance and you will reap the rewards. Don’t and your computer will rebel against you and have a fit every time you try to use it. The choice is yours!






Posted in Geek Stuff

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