Some gamers have a low frame rate because their computers aren’t good enough to play their favorite games. Other gamers, however, experience low FPS because there is some little-known factor that has caused their problem. These scenarios are often the most frustrating because the solution isn’t always clear.
Fortunately, if you have a solid gaming computer, and you’re receiving low frame rates, there is more than likely an explanation and solution for your problem.
In this article we’ll discuss five little-known factors that can have a negative impact on your frame rate. We’ll also let you know how to fix these problems so that you can get back to gaming at an acceptable level again.
#1 – You’ve Lowered Your Video Settings, But Your Frame Rate is Still Low
One of the best ways to increase your frame rate is to lower your video settings. By lowering your video settings you will reduce the workload on your video card and you will see a decent jump in your FPS.
However, if you lower your settings and don’t see an immediate increase in your frame rate, you might want to check the following two options in your video card control panel under settings (either through nVidia Control Panel, or Catalyst Control Center, depending on who manufactured your video card):
- Anti-Aliasing
- Anisotropic Filtering
These options greatly enhance the quality of the graphics you see in your game. However, they do so at the cost of performance. And, if you don’t have a high-end video card, you do not want these two settings to be turned up very high, because your frame rates will drop so low that you might as well be playing on the original IBM PC from 1981.
Luckily, though, if you turn these two settings down, you can almost always see an instant increase in your frame rate.
#2 – Your Browser is Killing Your Frame Rate
Are you one of those gamers who needs your browser open in the background so that you can quickly access a guide or walkthrough? Unfortunately, this may be a contributing reason to your low frame rate.
Some browsers are known to be huge resource hogs, and when you have them open in the background, they have the potential to affect your gameplay. One suggestion is to print out the guide you are using. If that’s not possible, then consider copying the content of the page you need open (if applicable) into a word processor.
It also doesn’t help if you have 10 tabs open with Facebook, Twitter, and email all going at the same time…
#3 –Applications Running in the Background
Just as your browser can take up resources when it is left on in the background, so can any unnecessary applications that are running while you are playing your game. One major program that can hinder your FPS in Windows (assuming you’re using Windows) is Aero.
Aero adds a ton of features to the design and layout of the Windows operating system, but it also takes up valuable resources when you are playing your game. To disable Aero:
- Right-click on desktop
- Choose personalize
- Select a basic theme
This will disable the extra ‘nice-looking’ features that come with Aero, but it will also free up some resources and give your frame rate a boost.
It’s also a good idea to open up your task manager and see if there are any unnecessary applications running in the background. A lot of times gamers will download programs just to try them out. Once they download them, they use them once and never open them up again. The only problem is that some of these programs are constantly running. So, even though they never use some of these programs, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there taking up space.
#4 – Your Graphics Drivers are out of Whack
One of the most common reasons why gamers with high-end computers suffer from low FPS is simply due to a problem with their graphics drivers. In a lot of cases this problem is the result of a game update.
When the game you play releases a new update, it’s possible that the changes that are made are ones that have an effect on the way that game communicates with your hardware.
Sometimes this effect can make your ‘top-of-the-line’ video card perform like a low-end card it you will ultimately cause a significant drop in your frame rate. In order to fix this problem, you will either need to go into the game’s files and change some specific values, or you can just wait until your video card manufacturer rolls out updated drivers that will correct the problem.
On the flip side of that, a new driver update (from your video card’s manufacturer) can negatively affect the communication between your hardware and your game. In these cases, you will have to roll back to your old drivers until the problem is fixed.
#5 – There’s a Virus on Your Computer!
Viruses and malware can not only be harmful to your computer, but they can also have a negative impact on your gaming experience. This is because they will run in the background and take up more and more memory.
Eventually, the virus will cover so much space in your memory that your game will slow down to unbearable levels.
Obviously, the best way to fix this problem is to sweep your computer and remove any harmful applications that you may find. Doing this will free up those valuable resources that the virus was hogging and you will start getting frame rate you’re used to once again.
Don’t Play With Low FPS!
No gamer wants to deal with a low frame rate. However, the fact is that sometimes low FPS just happens—regardless of who you are, or what kind of computer you have. Fortunately, most frame rate problems can be solved rather quickly. So, if any of the above problems have cause your frame rate to drop, don’t worry… there is a solution!
Author Bio
Brent Hale is a computer enthusiast who loves PC gaming. Brent has a ton of experience dealing with low FPS and he wants to help anyone with a low frame rate solve their problem. So, if you’re suffering from a low frame rate, please feel free to leave your questions below or you can contact him through his site.