Social networks have become extremely popular for personal as well as business use. Facebook has topped the charts with more users than Tom at Myspace ever dreamed of having. So, since Facebook seems to be the place to be, should we believe that it is the place to stay?
Looking back at other social networks such as Myspace, you have to wonder if they are trends and short lived addictions that pass after time or with the coming of a newer, cooler place to be.
Facebook has its share of bugs and the patches seem to sometimes work, sometimes not. The users get frustrated with the software but yet they never seem to leave…if you notice when they are complaining about Facebook, they are doing it on Facebook. So, yes it is a popular platform and the users that are registered have no intentions of leaving at this point, even if they say they are going to. Privacy is another factor with the software and its future stability. People do not want their information given to just anyone and even though Facebook has worked hard to control the security of their site it still has some major holes in the security department.
With all of that being said, what will cause the downfall of Facebook is another social network that the public deems to be cooler, better and of course more secure. Until someone comes along and creates the next best thing, Facebook is here to stay. The new social network creators will have their hands full when trying to compete with Facebook though; it does seem to offer quite a bit of what people and business owners want and need.
With the ability to share information with hundreds, even thousands of people with one click of the mouse or to customize your profile into something that reflects your business or your personality it will be tough to pull users away. Many businesses and personal users have spent hours creating and customizing their pages just right, years searching for friends, family and potential customers and some even have spent countless hours working on their farms in Farmville, mastering recipes in Café World and building up their popularity with games like Mafia Wars and other applications Facebook offers.
With so much available to the users and with so much time invested by them making Facebook their virtual home it is likely that it will be around for a long time to come, as for it being around forever, nothing lasts forever. There will be another network come along or with the changing technology we may have no need for social networks at all in the future. It is hard to say if we will turn to our smart phones or our computers in the future for human contact or of a newer technology will create newer innovative ways for us to reach out to each other. The one thing you can be sure of, picking up the telephone or mailing a letter through the post office is a thing of the past, so all we can do is embrace what we have now and wait for the changes that are coming our way.