Computers in the classroom

Computers in the class room have opened up a whole new world to students. They can view the entire world without ever leaving their desks. Students are able to visit any library in the world and have access to information on any topic they choose at their fingertips. The interaction of the computers keeps students interested and makes them want to learn. By starting out children early with computers in the class room they are more likely to stay focused and to want to learn more about any given topic.

College campuses were using computer mainframes since the beginning of the technology and as the technology was enhanced they introduced more effective methods of study and education to their students through computer use. Mainframes started to lose their effectiveness when Apple began donating the Apple 1 computer to colleges in 1975. The rate in which students were using computers as part of their education began to grow rapidly as did the technology.

Grade level schools began introducing computers into their classrooms in the early 80’s and while they were scarce and rarely did the schools have enough computers for the students to use by 1989 they were readily available in every school district and the need began to grow for more and more computers.

Today it is common for the every school district to have computers in the classroom and even elementary children as early as Kindergarten students have access to a computer in their classroom. The use of computers in early education programs has proven to be very effective for learning and comprehension. Computers are used in pre-school programs to help develop senses and reflexes as well as to stimulate the mind through game play by learning colors, shapes, numbers and even more advanced skills such as reading, math and science.

Teachers have found that by introducing students to computers at an early age they are more likely to succeed on their academic careers. The funding for computers in the schools has increased each year and the goal for every school and college is to have computers in the classroom for every student.

The main concern with computers in the classroom is the content in which the students have access to. Parents as well as educators do feel a concern that students will find information that is not suitable for their age or their curriculum. The schools have taken precautionary measures to ensure that the students are safe when they are surfing the internet and that no harmful or inappropriate content makes it through the filters and into the student’s education. The schools offer a safe environment for the students to learn about the internet, visit faraway lands from their class room and begin understanding the fundamentals about computing and the technology that surrounds it.

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Tagged with: classroom computers, computer assisted learning, e-learning, school
Posted in Computer Era Evolution

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