Cloud or Dedicated? What Kind of Server Should I Get?

Many companies today are asking the question “Do I really need a dedicated server?” The alternative, of course, is to operate off of a cloud server. A cloud server is a remote server that allows the users to access their files through the internet, rather than having all of their files stored on a hard drive. The quick response is, yes, cloud servers may be better than dedicated servers.


A few factors remain the same, like the ability to remotely install the operating system. There are also some advantages to having a dedicated server, like a better performance if it is a high end model. However, overall, cloud servers operate better and more cheaply than dedicated servers.


There are several reasons why a cloud server is better than a dedicated server, to name a few:


  • Cloud servers are cheaper: cloud servers usually run anywhere from $29/month to $199/month. Dedicated servers start at $99/month and can cost as much as $1,500/month. Unless you have an extremely large company that requires such an expense, the cloud server will save you an enormous amount of money in your budget every month.


  • Cloud servers are more compatible with changing software: this means that you don’t need to replace the server just because your operating system is getting an upgrade. With a dedicated server, if you change the software, it often does not run the way it needs to because it is not compatible with the new system.


  • Better safety features: if the physical component of your cloud server fails, the cloud server can still be accessed by any other working physical server. The only way to access the files in a failed dedicated server is by fixing the server. Until that happens, you’re stuck without them.


Cloud servers are also equipped with a backup image, which means that if it completely crashes and is unrecoverable, you can go to the backup image and retrieve all of your files. This feature prevents you from having to reinstall your operating system and enables you to get your server running again within minutes, instead of waiting for the repairman to come and reset everything.


  • More options for remote repair: not only can you remotely install your operating system, you can also remotely reinstall it or reboot it if it freezes. Dedicated servers have the option of remotely installing the operating system, but there is no way to remotely reboot them or reinstall them. Doing so requires a person to physically be there in order to fix the problem.


  • Cloud servers are compatible with different hardware: when upgrading the hardware on your server, cloud servers are compatible with multiple versions. This means that you do not need to reinstall the operating system or the drivers, which would be necessary with a dedicated server.


As can be seen, cloud servers generally lead the competition, unless you absolutely need a high end dedicated server. Cloud servers are completely safe, with no more possibility of someone hacking into them than a dedicated server, and they are generally more reliable. If all you need is a lower end server, cloud is the way to go.

Tagged with: Cloud, server
Posted in Cloud Storage

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