Smart phones, they are the wave of the future and for the most part, they work as expected. Most carriers have towers placed so that one cell area overlaps with the next so you do not have dead spots while using your phone. If too many dead spots existed, you would get a ton of dropped calls. Even when the tower placement is carefully thought out, you might experience weak spots in part of your house.
Weak spots or dead spots in a dwelling can be caused by many different reasons. Some of the most common are interference from other wireless devices and blocking forces such as trees or metal walls. You may find, however, that a certain part of your house has a good signal and that is where you have to go if you want to make a call. This is where the new technology we are about to talk about comes into play.
How great would it be to be able to place your cell phone in a set location where it can receive the best possible signal and still allow you to talk on it? Now you can when you purchase a home phone with Bluetooth cell link included. There are several brands on the market but Panasonic makes the one I am going to talk about today. The company makes several models but I would stick with the more high-end models to assure you will be happy with the performance.
All modern cell phones are now Bluetooth capable and have the software you need already pre-installed on the phone. All you have to do is link the two together. Most devices all link in almost the same manner. You simply open up the Menu and find the Cell 1 or Cell 2 option. When the option blinks on the base unit, you have 5 minutes to connect your cell phone. Depending on your phone, be sure Bluetooth is enabled. Scroll through your menu and you will see an option to add a device. The new device will require a pin number that you can get from you’re the instruction book of the device you are connecting. Simply enter the pin and your devices should begin to talk. You are now connected. Most devices have an option for automatic connecting so you don’t have to go through the procedure every time you want to use the connected device.
If you only use your cell with the new phone, they usually have an option that would say “cell Phone Only” or something similar. If you also have a landline, you can use both lines and even put a cell call on hold while you answer you landline and visa versa. Many of these products will allow to sync 2 or more cell phones to the device.
Most manufacturers have loads of features you might not have with your cell phone alone. For example, if someone in the house is on a landline call and you want to join the call with your cell phone, you can simply by pressing one button. Another example is when you are on a landline call and somebody calls you on your cell. You will now be able to put the landline call on hold while you answer the cell call. The convenience options are great because you only have to carry one phone around the house instead of two. You can do everything from one place. When you leave the house with your cell phone, it will have a full charge if you keep it plugged into the charger when you are using the house phone.
The Panasonic models have a battery backup that keeps you going even if the power fails. No more lost calls from power brownouts. One more feature I forgot to mention, you can import your entire address book from your cell phone to the house phone with just one click.
by, Joe Z