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Sending a text right from your computer. Everything you need to know!

Yes it is possible to send a text to a friend or family member through your home or office computer. This feature makes it easier for those who have problems seeing the small csm-textbuttons on their cell phone screens. In today’s society it is also useful for the working parent, instead of taking their cell phone out they can text their children and make sure all is well or the sitter right from their desk at work. This is also useful for those of us that have cell phones but are not willing to pay the extra fees associated with texting.

Tagged with: computer, sending, text
Posted in Geek Stuff

Why use the snail mail to pay your bills? Use your home computer to pay them faster.

Many of us still use the good old snail mail to mail off payments to those we owe money to. If you think about it, we use the computer for email and the phone for text messaging. laptop-moneySo why not use the computer to pay bills? Many companies are making it easier for you to pay your bill from them online as well. In addition many are going paperless with their statements. Once a month you simply get an email regarding your bill and you can view your statement.

Tagged with: mail, online, pay bills
Posted in Geek Stuff

Tips on Body Posture In Front of Your Computer or Work Station

When we were younger we all remember being told sit up straight, don’t slouch, and to put your shoulders back. Now that we are older how many of us have brushed off that sit-at-your-computer-desknagging from our child hood and are experiencing some sort of neck or back discomfort?

I for one did and now I am paying the price. Years of poor posture and bad body mechanics at desk jobs and everyday life have landed me in pain often. However there are steps that can be taken to help with these discomforts and help to correct them as well.

Tagged with: Body Posture, computer, Work Station
Posted in Geek Stuff

Weight gain in the work place, Get away from that computer Desk!

If you have an office job where you sit at a desk or in front of a computer all day chances are you have gained a little bit of extra weight. Whether its significant or minimal weight desk-fatgain it’s still not healthy for you.  Recent research has shown that those with sedentary desk jobs are reporting an increase in weight gain.

Tagged with: computer Desk, Weight gain, work place
Posted in Geek Stuff

Could someone be spying on you? People could be watching you from your computer!

With all the crazy things that are going on in the world today it comes as no surprise that people have started to create software that can be used to spy on the un known.  Yes youspying-on-your-computerr computer could be filled with software that you are unaware of. I know this may sound all like a conspiracy theory to you but to be honest, it is real and it is happening. Many online security software companies have been warning about it for years and now they have solid proof.

Tagged with: spying, watching
Posted in Geek Stuff

Why pets in the workplace can help with your computer skills and reduce stress!

Working from home for our online computer repair company I have had the luxury with being with my two dogs throughout the day vs. leaving them all day while I am out at pc-laptop-dogwork. Throughout the day they make sure to come over and remind me; hey mom we need a potty break or a scratch and hug break. These frequent breaks have helped to relieve some of the daily stressors of online computer repair and owning our own business, not just for me but for my husband as well.

Tagged with: computer, pets, skills, work place
Posted in Geek Stuff

How Has The Internet Evolved Over The Past Ten Years

The Internet just a few short years ago was more of a luxury for the rich and famous then it was a necessity. Today, we all know that the complete opposite is true. Without the world-internet-laptopsInternet, most of us would have a really hard time during our most important everyday tasks such as posting on Face Book, paying bills, playing Candy Crush, shopping on Amazon and last but not least, making money with your online business. Most of these things were just a dream 10 years ago.

Tagged with: Internet Evolved, Ten Years
Posted in Geek Stuff

The Modern Woman and Her Electronic Gadgets in everyday life!

phone-woman-GadgetsIn this day and age there are so many different electronic gadgets to help us with our day-to-day chores and activities. Whether you’re using your gadget for scheduling appointments, creating a budget or maybe you’re looking up a recipe for something special for your family.

Tagged with: Electronic Gadgets, Modern Woman
Posted in Geek Stuff

5 Core Foundations Essential to a Career in IT

Information technology, IT for short, is a growing field today. There are many types of jobs in IT, such as computer software engineer, network administrator and database administrator. Online careers are available because some jobs can be done remotely over the Internet.5-Core-Foundations-IT

There are five core foundations essential for a career in IT.

Solid Mathematical Skills

Posted in Geek Stuff

Computer Programming, Why we need it and how your pc uses it, To complete simple commands

Learn All about computer programming.

Computer programming is at the core of any computer operation. Unlike usual electro mechanical devices, a computer requires software to carry out instructions. At the lowest level, machine code is used to control the hardware and operations of a computer. The machine language is a set of zeros and ones and rather tedious to handle. Therefore the instructions are coded in a higher level language called a computer program. The conversion of a higher level language into a machine code is carried out by assembly level languages or assemblers. The transformation is completed without any human interface.

Posted in Geek Stuff

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