Are you wondering about the disappearance of some of the most vital data and software on your laptop or desktop machine? Your computer may have a Root Kit Virus spidering out into your hardware causing big problems with your programs and the functioning of your machine. Read Full Entry.....
There are various ways of Website Design since websites have many uses Web design is an integral part of e-marketing campaigns and it needs a lot of attention. This is due to the fact that
your website needs to be built very well in order to attract potential customers. The following are
Transforming Windows XP into Windows Vista’s Start bar.
It has been 7 years since Windows XP was launched. During its lifetime it has received many upgrades including 3 Service Packs. (Service Pack 3 being the latest). The Service Packs added many new and useful features to increase the life of Windows XP. After the release of Windows Vista many Windows Users wanted to shift to Windows Vista but could not because of the high system requirements. Soon after the release of Vista many transformation packs were launched, which transformed the looks of Windows XP to Vista giving the users of XP the feel of Vista. Even though these Transformation packs were not able to provide the performance of Vista ,they managed to copy the looks of Vista pretty well. Read Full Entry.....
Follow us on You Tube! for our latest online videos
We know you love YouTube for all those hilarious and education videos, so why don’t you check usout. We have many videos that will help teach you a few things on computers. They range from virus removal to setting up your pc to your lcd TV. What are you waiting for go check us out!!! Oh yea leave us some feedback, we are always looking for ways to improve our resources to our customers Follow us on YouTube Read Full Entry.....
WindowsDefender is a free program that helps protect your computer againstpop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software. It features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it’s detected, and a new streamlined interface that minimizes interruptions and helps you stay productive.
provides advanced protection from known data-mining, aggressive advertising, Trojans, dialers, malware, browser hijackers, and tracking components. This software is downloadable free of charge.
Spyware is a major cause of concern for all computer users. Spyware programs usually come packaged with freeware programs and stealthily install on your computer. As the name suggests, spyware programs spy on your computer to track your Web browsing and computer activity. These programs may also steal your confidential information such as information related to bank accounts, credit cards, usernames, and passwords and transmit it to external sources for malicious use. Read Full Entry.....
Are you facing problem with the adobe reader? Are you able to open the PDF files? Or are you struggling to create a PDF document, but aren’t able to? All these point to the adobe reader, which is freeze and stopped working. What do you do now? Here are some easy and basic steps that may help out fixing adobe reader. However to fix adobe reader, you need to have an account on your PC with privileges of administrator. To fix Adobe Reader, you need not to be a computer geek, but a little practice and DIY attitude will do. Read Full Entry.....
Looking for a job? Consider these out-of-the-box experiences to increase your chances of landing a great career online.
Alec Brownstein and the $6 Google Campaign
Alec Brownstein was a 28 year-old copywriter tired of wasting his time on a job that was below his skill level. Rather than hunt for a job in a traditional way, however, he chose to go a different route. He researched the top creative companies and creative directors in his area, and determined to try a different method to get a job. Alec purchased the adwords ad space for each of the names of the creative directors that he admired most. Read Full Entry.....
Cloud computing has been a popular topic that has been buzzed about almost to the point of ad nauseam. Interestingly, there are still lots of folks that hear the term in casual conversations with friends and associates, and even use it themselves while having misconceptions about what the term actually means. In recent surveys, respondents have opined that cloud computing has to do with everything from weather, to toilet paper. Read Full Entry.....