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The Importance of Backups

Often times we find that when our computers are running good, we often fail to take precautions to protect our precious data. I know myself, when you are totally comfortable with the performance of your computer, you forget that parts of your system are run by mechanical motors (The Hard Drive) while the rest of your system relies on hundreds of tiny chips, capacitors and resisters which all extremely sensitive to heat and electrical spikes. In addition, don’t forget the constant deluge of Malware that is thrown at you almost every day you are on the computer. As if this were not enough, how about putting human error in the equation. How many times have you accidentally erased an important file that you cannot live without? It has probably happened a lot more times then you would like to think about.

Tagged with: backups
Posted in Back-up

Working From Home? You Need More Than Just a Good Computer

It’s true! While a good computer is vital to keep telecommunication, freelance, and other home-based work operating as smoothly as possible, the simple fact remains that the computer is merely just a starting point. What you really wantwork from home guy to focus on after purchasing a computer is what you plug into it, as well as what you load onto it; in other words, software and hardware. Think of the actual computer as a foundation in which to build off of, and trust me, you are going to want a sturdy foundation for any type of work from home. The minute something goes wrong could mean the difference between keeping a gig or job, and losing it.

Tagged with: work from home
Posted in Geek Stuff

How to restore your computer using system restore

System restore allows you to restore your computers system files to an earlier date or back to the computers original factory settings. The system restore feature for setting your computer back to an earlier date will allow you to recover your system from corrupt or missing system files without altering the data that is stored on your computer’s hard drive.

Tagged with: recovery, system restore, time stamp
Posted in Computer Repair

Computer Fixed at a Repair Shop or a Remote Computer Repair Website?

If you are having issues with your computer and the frustration is becoming too much to bare then you will want to get it diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible. Not only is it frustrating to have your systems performance slow down, it can also be harmful to the system to let it go without repairing it.

Tagged with: computer.repair, online repair, remote repair
Posted in Computer Repair

Why Switch To Virtual Desktops?

Virtual desktop infrastructure has been adopted by enterprise organizations at an amazing rate in the last few years. The move toward a virtual desktop configuration has some serious advantages. Companies save time and money with virtual desktop solutions.

How it Works

Traditionally, every employee had a fully-functional PC or laptop at his desk although many never utilized even half of the processing power or storage space supplied. Many users simply used word processing, email and one or two productivity programs. Basically, a lot of hardware was being underutilized.

Tagged with: VDI Systems, virtual desktops, virtual server
Posted in Computer Era Evolution

Seniors Using Computers May be Less Depressed

The new technology that we have in our lives has helped to add convenience as well as comfort to our world. With social networks, e-mails and other instant forms of communication it has made it even easier to connect with our family and loved ones. Entertainment is a huge part of our lives and computers have offered it to us in many forms, games, information, television online, movies, music and much more. With all of the conveniences and comforts given to us by computers, why would it not be a logical solution to depression to get seniors involved with them?

Tagged with: computers, depression, retirement, seniors
Posted in Computer Era Evolution

What Exactly is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing delivers computing as a service, instead of a product. This basically means that it is sharing resources, information and software to other computers and devices over a network. The cloud computing infrastructure allows data, information and other resources to be shared with the other computers and devices without providing any information about what other information is stored on the infrastructure.

Tagged with: archiving, cloud computing, Cloud storage, offsite storage
Posted in Cloud Storage

Microsoft Fix It Center Online

Microsoft Fix It Center Online offers an easy to use platform for obtaining support with their automated troubleshooters that will not only locate your computer issues but fix them as well. The software is designed to not only rid you of any PC issues but also to help prevent them.

Tagged with: Center, fix, IT, Microsoft, online
Posted in Computer Repair

How Has Technology Changed Your Life

Technology has been sneaking up on us for decades and with each year we find that we have something new that we will soon learn we cannot live without. While many of use grew up without the technology we have today and seemed to manage just fine, we would not want to go back to that lifestyle. We have grown accustomed to convenience and computers, handhelds, cell phones and the internet has certainly delivered.

Tagged with: computers, life changing, technology
Posted in Computer Era Evolution

Computers in the classroom

Computers in the class room have opened up a whole new world to students. They can view the entire world without ever leaving their desks. Students are able to visit any library in the world and have access to information on any topic they choose at their fingertips. The interaction of the computers keeps students interested and makes them want to learn. By starting out children early with computers in the class room they are more likely to stay focused and to want to learn more about any given topic.

Tagged with: classroom computers, computer assisted learning, e-learning, school
Posted in Computer Era Evolution

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